Asking The Right Questions When Executing A Sign Job


SignForce discusses how to ensure that a sign job is carried out correctly, accurately and timeously. The processes include getting the artwork for the job signed off, getting the various processes completed, and ensuring that the team have access to the premises when it is time to deliver or install the sign.

SignForce use a Chromadek sign as an example. In signage terms, Chromadek is one of the cheapest metal signs, which, in simple terms, means it should be the fastest and easiest to produce.

Is it correct?

The first step is deciding if Chromadek is the correct, or the best, material to achieve the desired outcome of the sign. In the fast-changing world we live in, this question is becoming more and more important.

Is it accurate?

If the Chromadek sign is smaller than a standard sheet, then the second process is that it needs to be trimmed. Most signs require some or other decoration, making it important to do and get artwork approved. It can turn out that getting artwork approved can be one of the most important steps, especially when the client provides the artwork, as it may be of poor quality. Also consider that if the artwork is ‘layered’, it is possible that the artwork may come out differently on the installer’s computer and printer than what the designer and client intended.

An installer is often asked why the person printing or applying the sign never picked up an error on the sign. The simple reason is that the person working on the sign has trusted that the client has approved the correct artwork, and as importantly, they are focusing on their task at hand, not on someone else’s job or task.

Once the Chromadek has been cut and the vinyl has been printed and or cut, the vinyl needs to be applied to the Chromadek so the sign can be inspected and delivered (or collected).

Is there enough time?

Depending on the size of the sign and the availability of staff and equipment, with enough hands and everything being perfect, that entire process can take between one and two hours. However, the real world is not perfect, and no business exists when staff are simply waiting for work to do. This is one of the reasons why we generally request between 7-10 working days to complete a sign.

This article was originally published by SignForce.

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