Agfa Graphics Announces Release Of Fortuna 11

Agfa Graphics announces release of Fortuna 11.

Fortuna 11 is the latest update of the Agfa Graphics design and assembly software for high-security printing. Providing a way to skillfully safeguard counterfeit-sensitive documents, this version focuses on enhanced user-friendliness, productivity and creative freedom.

‘It’s the first step towards a completely revised user experience,’ revealed Andy Grant, global head of software at Agfa Graphics.

Like all preceding versions of the software, Fortuna 11 takes a modular approach to high-security design and printing: users can choose from different modules and features to assemble their product to match their needs. In creating unique designs to protect their sensitive documents, they can rely on a potent graphical base editor that reconciles aesthetics with security.

Fortuna 11 comes with two new functionalities that enhance interactivity and productivity. One of them – Live Preview – enables users to view changes in their security designs in real time instead of checking it in a separate preview window. It works hand in hand with the new Smart Stepper functionality, which allows users to try out different settings and easily revert to previous ones.

Building on decades of experience in high-security design and confidentiality, Agfa Graphics also included fixes and other updates in Fortuna 11. The software will now run more smoothly with Wacom tablets and on computers with touch screens, for example.

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