Speed Wrap Winner Crowned At Sign Africa Durban Expo

Robbie Lambe, Maizey Plastics representing GrafiWrap, Speed Wrap winner Senzo Nzama, Consortium Signs, and Greg Eales, Red Hot Media representing RiWrap.

Senzo Nzama from Consortium Signs won the Speed Wrap Challenge held at the Sign Africa Durban expo from 19-20 April. He won R3500, and will compete at the main Speed Wrap Challenge in Johannesburg for a place at the FESPA Speed Wrap Masters in 2018.

Robbie Lambe, Maizey Plastics representing GrafiWrap, Fahim Suni, Suni Signs, and Greg Eales, Red Hot Media representing RiWrap .

Contestants had to race against the clock to wrap a vehicle door to the best standards. The second place winner was Fahim Suni from Suni Signs, who won R1750, and third place went to Prashanth Harrychunder from Print Elegance, who won R1000.

Robbie Lambe, Maizey Plastics representing GrafiWrap, Prashanth Harrychunder, Print Elegance, and Greg Eales, Red Hot Media representing RiWrap.

Sign Africa
Tel: (+27 11) 450 1650
Email: dyelan@practicalpublishing.co.za
Website: http://www.signafricaexpo.comSign Africa Johannesburg Expo

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