Version PlugAUTOIMPOSEin 5.9 is an imposition software that has a new ‘template editor’ feature that makes the imposition of PDF files even easier. The high degree of automation involved in PlugAUTOIMPOSEin means that manual input is greatly reduced, common errors are avoided and valuable time and money are saved.
The German software producer has developed two solutions for PDF file imposition, tailored to customers’ needs. Both the PlugAUTOIMPOSEin and Speedflow Impose programmes are suitable for digital and offset printing with rollers and sheets and offer a much faster processing speed, even for extremely large volumes. The easy configuration of remainder sheets, as well as straightforward creation of imposition templates, are additional advantages of the software solution.
The high degree of automation involved in PlugAUTOIMPOSEin means that manual input is greatly reduced, common errors are avoided and valuable time and money are saved.
The substantial difference between the two software solutions is found in the degree of automation: the PlugAUTOIMPOSEin connection to the Asura ‘data cleansing tool’ and the Workspace workflow management software processes and optimises the PDFs. This process makes use of the Workspace job ticket function. The page format for an imposition template for PlugAUTOIMPOSEin is variable to a certain extent, and can be automatically transferred to a PDF document awaiting processing. If the document page format goes beyond the defined value, it can be adjusted or transferred to a better-suited imposition template. This way, fewer templates are necessary to correctly process a multitude of different page formats. In addition to the many possible barcode options (e.g. DataMatrix, QR), the ‘Cut and Stack’ option offers users of digital printing in particular added flexibility, allowing version ‘1’ to be produced cheaply. As a new highlight, PlugAUTOIMPOSEin includes the feature ‘template editor’.
The module makes it possible to put together individual templates according to customer needs and to impose them automatically afterwards. The 64Bit architecture supports output files of over 2 GB. In all, PlugAUTOIMPOSEin offers over 1000 different imposition and printing combinations for the professional page and sheet assembly of books, magazines and job printing. The high degree of automation involved in PlugAUTOIMPOSEin means that manual input is greatly reduced, common errors are avoided, and valuable time and money are saved.
For all printers and publishers not yet working with the Asura PDF optimisation software or the Workspace workflow management system, imposition tasks can still be processed quickly and easily. The Speedflow Impose programme is compatible with all current Workflow Software options, and can easily be integrated into existing workflow. Because it is highly user-friendly, customers are easily won over by Speedflow Impose. Imposition templates are quick and easy to create, save and recall.