Trodat South Africa Showcases Latest Products At Open House


Trodat South Africa hosted a successful open house event on 15 October, where it showcased its new TroLase Range of laser materials as well as hands on demonstrations of its Trotec lasers and various engravers and routers.

The TroLase Range of UV-resistant acrylic based laminates are for both indoor and outdoor applications and the wide range of colours and thicknesses available makes TroLase the standard material for laser engraving. While the micro surfaced coating allows for highly detailed engraving with improved production speed, the low residue characteristic of TroLase also results in reduced overall treatment time, reducing the need for cleaning and consequently processing times.

Other notable products on show included:

Trotec Speedy 500

The system consists of high-quality, perfectly matched components that make the laser cutter a reliable partner. With its 1245 x 710mm working area, the SP500 provides plenty of space for most standard material formats in use today. For the SP500, Trotec has developed a unique, multifunctional table concept. Depending on the application, the ideal table can be selected and changed quickly and easily.

Trotec Speedy400 Flexx

The Speedy 400 flexx is a flatbed laser in a class of its own. The all-rounder offers maximum flexibility for a work area of 1000 x 610 mm. One laser plotter, two laser sources: this results in countless possible applications. Mark and engrave virtually anything: from plastics or wood through to glass or metal, and even workpieces with mixed materials, in a single process.

Trotec Promarker 300

The ProMarker 300 combines all advantages of galvo marking with the smallest footprint. With the innovative laser software DirectMark working just like a printer driver, you can mark directly from any graphics, CAD or label printing software. You can mark your own components, produce type plates or create professional presents and give aways.

Vision 2550 router

The 2550 CNC Router/Engraver is Vision’s heavy-duty routing system. It can produce accurate, repeatable, cost-effective work in considerably less time than it takes to do the same work by hand. Featuring state-of-the-art Vision Series 4 Controller and the graphically advanced Vision PRO software, this machine is perfect for a wide variety of applications including milling, drilling, contouring, and routing.

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