EFI Wins 11 MUST SEE ‘EMS Awards


EFI™ earned 11 awards in the annual MUST SEE ‘EMS graphic arts technology competition, winning the most honours ever presented to a single company for the fourth consecutive year.

EFI’s MUST SEE ‘EMS awards recognise EFI Inkjet, Productivity Software and Fiery® products that fuel printing companies’ success, giving them the power to optimise their operations and profitably win new business.

The MUST SEE ‘EMS competition recognises the most compelling new products to be presented at North America’s largest annual graphic arts trade show, Graph Expo. EFI’s 11 awards are the most ever presented to any company, surpassing the eight MUST SEE ‘EMS that EFI took home in 2013.

The technologies earning awards this year drive value for print professionals seeking new paths to more profitability. For example, one 2014 MUST SEE ‘EMS-winning product, the hybrid roll/flatbed EFI H1625 LED printer, is an entry-level, LED-based production wide-format device that offers higher-value printing. Users benefit from EFI’s industry-leading white ink and its LED inkjet capabilities, which give them the ability to print on a wider range of substrates thanks to energy efficient cool cure technology.

One of the very first EFI customers to operate this new printer, Gregg Kruse, owner of the FASTSIGNS franchise in Gladstone, Mo., can print backlit displays and full-colour aluminium composite street signs more efficiently because the printer does not require swapping out inks to run jobs that require white.

‘The EFI H1625 is faster than our last hybrid printer and it prints more accurately,’ Kruse said. ‘I know other businesses that have white ink capabilities on their printers but do not use it because of the time they lose switching to white ink. Our new EFI printer solves that problem.’

EFI’s 2014 MUST SEE ‘EMS-winning products, with categories shown in parenthesis, include:
• EFI CRM for Monarch ERP software (Sales and Order Entry).
• EFI IQuote (Sales and Order Entry).
• EFI Fiery proServer for Cretaprint, version 1.4 (Prepress and Premedia).
• EFI Fiery Colour Profiler Suite, version 4.6 – Express Profiler (Colour Management and Quality Control).
• The EFI H1625 LED printer (Pressroom: Wide-Format).
• The EFI VUTEk GS2000lx Pro printer with UltraDrop™ Technology (Pressroom: Wide-Format).
• The EFI VUTEk HS100 Pro UV inkjet press material edge guide system (Pressroom: Wide-Format).
• The EFI Monarch Mailing Module (Imprinting, Mailing, Shipping and Fulfillment).
• EFI SmartLinc software (Imprinting, Mailing, Shipping and Fulfillment).
• The EFI Enterprise Automated Workflow (Management Systems).
• EFI Fiery Digital Embossing (The Future of Print).

‘Standing still is not an option for businesses in the graphic arts industry, considering the continuous change printing companies face today in their clients’ marketing needs,’ said Guy Gecht, CEO of EFI. ‘That is why EFI is so committed to our extensive R&D. We are thrilled and honoured that the MUST SEE ‘EMS judges deemed these 11 products as worthy of this prestigious award.’

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