Summa Showcasing Cutting Solutions In Las Vegas

Summa Showcasing Cutting Solutions In Las Vegas

Summa is bringing its large format cutting machines to Las Vegas and showing visitors a variety of cut samples.

Buildings without a three-phase power connection previously prevented the use of the Summa F1612 flatbed cutter. The F1612 is now available with a single-phase power connection. This new feature maintains the machine’s full range of cutting capabilities, ensuring no compromise on performance.

The F1612 continues to offer unmatched versatility, flexibility, and modularity, empowering businesses everywhere without limitations.

Users can boost production capacity with the L3214 while maintaining high-quality finishes. It’s perfect for large soft signage designs such as flags, banners, fashion items, trade show graphics, backlit displays and technical textiles.

The F1832 will also be on display. With over 15 available tools, the F Series is the most versatile in the range. Specifically, the F1832 is ideal for wider and longer media such as rigid board material, wide rolls and textiles.

Visitors can also see the new bevel cut tool in action, which is perfect for cutting 45° angled V-cuts in tough and rigid materials like rubber, deco felt, and solid board. Additionally, the company will preview the corrugated tool, perfect for cutting packaging materials.

Live demonstrations will be held throughout Printing United Expo from September 10-12.

The following machines can also be seen: S Class 3 TC160 roll cutter, ideal for fast and detailed cutting and creasing jobs for vinyl and folding carton; S One D160 roll cutter, which is reliable and fast and perfect for starting professionals; Omnia 100, a die-cutting machine that creates an automatic and independent workflow 24/7; and Optima 160, a dual-head die-cutting machine that is ideal for short to medium runs.

Tel: +27 11 430 5400

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