Printing SA Announces Central Chamber Golf And Padel Day

Printing SA Announces Central Chamber Golf And Padel Day

Printing SA’s Central Chamber now includes members from Gauteng, Limpopo, Mpumalanga and North West, who can now be special guests at the federation’s Annual Golf and Padel Day.

Join 120 players on the biggest golf day of the printing calendar. This opportunity could take businesses to the next level and participants can also have fun. Participants can also try the world renowned new sport: Padel.

Date: 10 May 2024.
Venue: Kyalami Country Club, Midrand.
Tee off: 10:30am (shotgun).
Hole sponsorship: R2500.

Fees include: Complimentary golf shirt, halfway house, on course refreshments, dinner and beverages and a goodie bag. Golf cart: R390 per cart (ex VAT) booked directly with the club.

4 Ball: R3000 (ex VAT).
Members: R750 (ex VAT).
Non-members R900 (ex VAT).

Padel Competition

Members: R450pp (ex VAT).
Non-members: R550pp (ex VAT).

There will be prize giving, a raffle, dinner and drinks. Non-players’ fee is R250pp ex VAT.

For further information, contact: or +27 11 287 1160.

+27 11 287 1160

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