Markzware Announces App Compatibility

Markzware Announces App Compatibility

FlightCheck®, a robust, stand-alone preflight application for macOS, empowers users to preview, preflight, report and package PDF and desktop publishing files, including the latest .qxp file version. FlightCheck®, OmniMarkz® and QXPMarkz® now fully support QuarkXPress 2024.

Patrick Marchese, president and CEO of Markzware said, ‘These new macOS products democratise content, and we continue to support our customers’ needs, by providing assistance in an ever-changing landscape. This commitment to liberating content is at the core of our global mission.’

The user-friendly QXPMarkz application not only offers previews, but also facilitates seamless file conversion from QuarkXPress to Adobe InDesign, Affinity Publisher, older QuarkXPress versions, Acrobat, Illustrator, and other desktop publishing formats. QXPMarkz can also convert QuarkXPress to IDML, PDF, TIFF, PNG, JPEG, and GIF file formats.

OmniMarkz offers the same, plus will preview and convert Adobe InDesign and PDF files. OmniMarkz will preview and convert PDF, InDesign, and QuarkXPress files to Adobe InDesign, Acrobat, Illustrator, QuarkXPress, Affinity Publisher, and many other formats, as well.


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