3DFusion Showcasing 3D Printers At Graphics, Print & Sign Live Demo Expo

3DFusion Showcasing 3D Printers At Graphics, Print & Sign Live Demo Expo

3DFusion will showcase its 3D printing solutions at the upcoming Graphics, Print and Sign Live Demo expo, taking place from 5-7 October 2021 at Emperors Palace Convention Centre, Centre Court.

Visitors can see two models of different sizes in steel casing that print up to 70mm/s (3DFusion8060V2 and 3DFusion12080 respectively). Both machines have Wi-Fi connection, STL file types and PTEG 1.75mm print material, with varying maximum print sizes and build sizes. Up to 12 different colours for printing are available. See these machines in action as they work tirelessly to produce 3D printed signage.

Also featured will be Creality 3D printers:

Creality Ender 5 Plus, featuring a build volume of 350x350x400mm.

Creality Ender-3 V2, featuring a build volume of 220x220x250mm.

Creality CR-30 / 3D Print Mill, equipped with a rolling conveyor belt.

Graphics, Print and Sign Live Demo expo is a dedicated wide format print, signage, textile and garment printing, commercial print, digital label printing and short run digital packaging event.

The event will comply with current Covid-19 regulations to keep visitors and exhibitors safe. Entrance is free, please register online. The event is sponsored by Platinum Sponsors Roland and Stixo Signage Supplies and is supported by media partners Sign Africa, Africa Print and Modern Marketing.


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