3D Systems Acquires Easyway Design


3D Systems has acquired Easyway Design and Manufacture in China, including its wholly owned subsidiaries comprising the Easyway Group, creating 3D Systems China. Easyway is a leading Chinese 3D printing sales and service provider with key operations in Shanghai, Wuxi, Beijing, Guangdong and Chongqing. Terms of the transaction were not disclosed.

May Zhou, General Manager, Easyway said, ‘We are excited to become part of 3D Systems, a leading provider of the most complete portfolio of 3D digital design and fabrication solutions available today. We plan to leverage our collective knowledge and experience for the benefit of our customers by building a stronger local presence and immediately delivering the full range of 3DS products throughout China.’

Easyway brings to 3DS extensive and experienced greater China sales and service coverage, substantial service bureau production capabilities and long-term, key relationships with leading Chinese automotive, medical and consumer goods companies, including VW, Nissan, Philips, Omron, Black & Decker, Panasonic and Honeywell.

Concurrently, the company today announced the formation of 3D Systems China under the capable leadership of May Zhou, Easyway’s founder. The acquisition provides 3DS with a strong platform to scale its in-country Quickparts custom manufacturing operations and multiplexes its 3D printing reseller coverage.

‘We are thrilled to join forces with Easyway and together expand our business in China,’ commented Avi Reichental, President and Chief Executive Officer, 3DS. ‘With operations in key Chinese cities and well-established 3D printing sales and service bureau operations, Easyway represents the cornerstone of our expansion plans for China.’

‘We believe that the strong relationship and strategic fit between our companies, combined with Easyway’s on-the-ground infrastructure, coverage and deep customer relationships, could present significant benefits for our customers, sizeable growth opportunities for us and long term value for our shareholders,’ concluded Reichental.

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