2016 Speed Wrap Winner Crowned At Sign Africa And FESPA Africa Expo


Simbarashe Mapholisa was crowned the ultimate winner of the 2016 Speedwrap Challenge at FESPA Africa and Sign Africa expos. He has won a trip to FESPA 2017 in Hamburg to take part in the FESPA World Wrap Masters Grand Final for the global title.

The Speed Wrap Challenge was sponsored by platinum sponsor Roland, vinyl sponsors Grafiwrap (distributed by Maizey Plastics) and Ri-wrap (distributed by Red Hot Media) together with silver sponsor Graphix Supply World.

The daily challenges involved participants racing against the clock to wrap a vehicle door to the best standards. The last challenge saw the three finalists from the regionals having to wrap a mannequin's torso in record time.

Mapholisa said, ’I still can’t believe that I won because the previous day, I had given up but a guy gave me his prize, so that motivated me to keep going. I do not wrap for a living, it is just something that I really like and that I am very interested in. Now that I see that I am good at it, I will continue doing my best.’

Radio DJ Alex Jay served as MC of the popular event.

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